Photoshop Redesign

In my online photoshop class that I took at COCC we were given a list of a few websites that we could choose from to redesign;  all the choices had horrible designs.

I ended up choosing  As you can see their site is a horrible mess, this made it hard to put a finger on who they were so that I could create a proper design that conveyed their color scheme and their message.  Not to mention this page only seemed to look “okay” in Internet Explorer… lol : \

I decided that the best type of page for them would be a wordpress powered site.  I choose wordpress because they seem to have a post-like layout since they just kept throwing new content on top of their old content.  They also had a news like feeling to them, because they want their visitors to read their latest and greatest news.

I chose a few interesting textures from, they were: Lined Paper for the main container background, and Tileable Wood for the body background.

I am not much of a designer, but I did try to make the page less bland than it could have been through the use of textures, I also borrowed a technique that I had read about in an article from where they added a 3D effect to the top navigation, except mine wasn’t a fixed navigation.

This is what I ended up with

One Nation Redesign

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  • By Waypoints + ScrollTo = Fruity Delicious on December 6, 2012 at 12:24 am

    […] I ended up taking a few pointers from an article at WebDesign Tuts+. The article was great and covered the design aspects of a fixed navigation bar, which I used later in my redesign assignment for PhotoShop. […]

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